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New to Well Forest? Welcome! You’re in the right place.

  • We are in-network with:

    Regence BlueCross/BlueShield

    Providence Health Plan

    United Health Care

    FSA/HSA cards: Check that acupuncture is covered.

    Medicare: We are in-network with select Regence Medicare Advantage and Providence Medicare Advantage plans. We are unable to take traditional Medicare at this time.

    Medicaid/OHP/CareOregon: We cannot accept Medicaid plans.

    MVA/Workers Comp: We do not accept moter vehicle accident or workers compensation claims. If you have an open MVA or WC claim with another provider, we are unable to treat you until the claim is closed.

    Out of network: If you have out of network acupuncture benefits, we can provide a superbill for you to submit to insurance to request reimbursement. Reimbursement by your insurance provider is not guaranteed, and you are responsible for the full cost of treatment at the time of service.

    Insurance information given to Well Forest Acupuncture LLC by your insurance provider is not a guarantee of payment. This includes information provided about covered treatments, copays, coinsurance, deductibles, and pre-authorizations.

    Please verify your acupuncture benefits before you book an appointment. Insurance plans can vary each year, so your benefits may have changed. Please note that not all conditions are covered by insurance companies (typically only pain related conditions are covered). You are ultimately responsible for the balance not covered by insurance.

    Not sure what to ask your insurance provider? Fill out our insurance verification form when you make the call to make sure all the important questions get answered.

    Insurance Verification Form

    Please note that insurance does not cover the following services, and you are responsible for payment in full at the time of your visit.

    Acupuncture Facials, Cupping + Gua Sha ONLY visits, Herbal Medicine, Supplements, Medicinary Items

  • During your first visit we will go through a thorough a medical intake. This includes everything from your medical history, your emotional state, all the way to your bowel movements. Here we want to get the complete picture of you as a living, breathing human with a unique life experience. We will also work through Chinese diagnostic tools to help us asses the body’s state. This includes Chinese medical pulse assessment and viewing of the tongue.

    Depending on the complexity of your case (how many health concerns you have, health history etc.) the intake process can take anywhere from 15-45 minutes. Then you’ll receive an acupuncture treatment. A treatment plan will be curated and discussed with you upon the end of the visit.

    *Your initial and follow up acupuncture treatments can include any of the following modalities: acupuncture, bodywork, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, nutrition recommendations, movement therapies and breathing exercises.

  • Wear Loose Clothing

    Be sure to wear clothing that can easily be rolled up to at least your knees and elbows without cutting off your circulation (think, PJs). Yoga pants and skinny jeans limit the points we are able to access in the treatment. If you’re coming from work or forget to change, hospital gowns will be provided to allow for easier access.

    Eat a small meal

    Please don’t come to acupuncture on an empty stomach.

    Skip the Substances

    Caffeine, alcohol and cannabis all affect the state of your nervous system, making you more sensitive or dulled to the sensations and effects of acupuncture.

    Expand Your Vocabulary

    Did you know we treat “dull” pain differently than “stabbing” pain?

    When it comes to describing pain, it can be hard to think of words besides “painful” or “hurts”. Getting specific with your vocabulary on the quality of pain you are experiencing is crucial to helping your practitioner create an effective treatment plan. Before your treatment, spend some time checking in with your body and notice what exactly the pain is like.

    Some vocabulary ideas are:

    Aching, cramping, heavy, dull, hot, burning, sharp, shooting, sickening, stabbing, tender, throbbing, exhausting.

    Fill out your intake form ASAP

    Your intake form helps us prepare for your first treatment. Please complete the forms online in advanced.

  • The Heart of Tabor clinic has its own free parking lot.

    The #15 and #71 bus stops at the corner of SE 60th and Belmont, less than a block away from the clinic.

    There is bike parking on the public sidewalk on the west entrance of the clinic.

    Unfortunately the Heart of Tabor clinic is not ADA accessible.

    The clinic is on the ground level and there are no stairs. However, to enter the building there is one curb that may be avoided by entering from the west entrance of the parking lot by the dental office.

    There are two heavy doors to enter the clinic. If you need help with the doors, please email us ahead of time and we can provide assistance.

    Once in the treatment room, there is a step stool for maneuvering onto the massage table if needed.

    There are gender neutral restrooms in the clinic, with two grab bars next to the facilities.

    Fragrance: There is no official fragrance policy for the clinic. All linens are washed with fragrance and scent free soap. I do use an essential oil diffuser in the treatment room on occasion. Please let me know if you have any fragrance sensitives.

  • Some of the steps I am taking to create a safe clinic space:

    Air filters are used inside the treatment room.

    Surface disinfection with medical-grade cleaning products is done between patients and at the end of the clinic day.

    I wash and sanitize my hands diligently during your appointment.

    I will wear a mask if you choose to wear one. Please note that masks are now optional in medical facilities, and other providers and patients may not be wearing a mask.

    I am vaccinated

    I will stay home if I exhibit any symptoms of illness.


    Please take a covid test within 24 hours of your appointment if you are experiencing: congestion, runny nose, fever, difficulty breathing, headache, body aches, cough-- yes, even if you believe it to just be allergies. Acupuncture is helpful for mitigating symptoms of common cold and flu and I am happy to treat you when there is a negative Covid test.

    Please take a covid test within 24 hours of your appointment if you have been exposed to someone with covid. You will be asked to wear a mask in your treatment even if your test is negative.


    Use hand sanitizer that is provided for you in the waiting area of the clinic space or wash your hands in the restroom.


    Wear a face mask at all times if you have congestion, runny nose, fever, difficulty breathing, headache, body aches, cough-- yes, even if it’s just allergies.

    Wear a face mask if you have been exposed to someone with covid within the last week.

    Wear a face mask if you have traveled in the last week (even if you don’t have symptoms).

    Use the hand sanitizer that has been provided for you inside the treatment room when you enter and exit the room.